Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Believe me, peace won't come in exchange of 16 deaths.

Thousands have died for peace and freedom in Gaza alone.

Millions have died throughout history.

But why do we still fight for this Wings of Freedom, this Torch of Hope and the Tower of Peace?

Because we believe in humanity, and additionally for some others, we believe in God and His promise.

I believe in humanity, and I believe in God.

God is great.


rainbOw said...

would boycott works?

wankhai said...

works = no and yes.

certain industry in denmark terjejas teruk masa denmark newspapers siar karikatur prophet muhammad dulu. tapi in general not that significant that's a yes.

no because boycott requires huge determination. we have to face the reality that most muslims aren't like that. we are just simple people, with jobs and routines , practically like non-muslims anyway.

however, boycott bukannya actually nak jahanamkan israel sangat pun. it is more about menyatakan pendirian. our solidarity with our fellow oppressed brothers and sisters.

I see little reason for boycott at present. now, muslims better make use of international sympathy to the gazans that pours in throughout the world. muslims responding with violence only akan menyebabkan international support withdrawn.

gaza is one part a muslim problem, but I believe in humanity.

gaza is an issue that transcends religions and ideologies.

pandangan ini maybe idealistik, but that's my stand.
