Monday, August 1, 2011

Apa guna jadi "baik" selama sebulan?

I read in Twitter last two days: "apa guna jadi baik selama sebulan, waktu-waktu lain aku sama ja ? " ( atau perkataan yang lebih kurang sama intipatinya) daripada seorang blogger Malaysia yang agak dikenali ramai .

I'm not trying to say religious thing here,nor I'm trying to dispute much about the blogger's opinion anyway, but I just want to say to myself : " tak berguna ke jadi baik selama sebulan, at least, dalam setahun eh?"

Personally, as an average guy, I'm just being calculative : being horribly bad for 12 months versus being horribly bad for 11 months and a *bit* nice for a month. As a Muslim, we know all thing about hisab and mizan- it's perkara ghaib- one of the core pillars in iman is to believe in one. This is not the issue of Ramadan ada kesan ke apa. Personally, I know roughly how I spent my Ramadan- I am, we are at liberty in controlling, managing my/our Ramadan. I'm not gonna go all *regretful* or anything about how I spent Ramadan my whole life, I had chosen the way I want to spent all the time . We are basically all like that, and hence since it is highly manageable, ada kesan tak ada kesan is all about us anyway.


You want to stay the same, sure, please do. Be whoever you think you are. You want to be better, sure, please do. Human we are. In everything we need motivation. Nak kahwin pun nak kena ada motivasi these days.

Salam Ramadan, kalian.

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