Friday, February 5, 2010

10 Random Things About Me.

1. I like Lady Gaga, Aphabeat, Taylor Swift and Panic at The Disco's kind of music.
2.I hate myself- most of the time.
3. I like to talk about "infos"-to me, world revolves around "infos" , not " facts" , more so "truths".
4. I have a terrible fashion sense.
5. My idea of happiness not feeling guilty.
6. I deleted my Myspace, Friendster and most of my friend's phone number for the sake of moving on.
7. I don't like to listen to radio. I just browse at40, and UK top charts at BBC.
8. I want to be rich.
9. I want to be clever.
10.Love exists. But so do illusions.

1 comment:

aNoZ said...

ur blog is worth to follow. tp x jumpe buttang follow la. haha