Monday, November 29, 2010


We value our privacy very much. I used to regard my religion as a very personal matter, even. However, just recently, I found it as hardly personal.

These days, we are used to individual rights- thanks to the advent of civil rights movement. Thus, sometimes we forget that Islam is a highly communal religion- not a personal religion like any others. Islam is after all, by nature, an evangelistic religion.

The strength of us Muslims is our faith and spirit of brotherhood. Even in solat, this very personal act of worshipping God, it is still more preferable to offer salah in jamaah.

In fact, God said to us that we should save ourselves AND our own family from the fired of jahannam. God asks us to do amr ma'ruf nahy munkar, but also differentiate between tajassus( spying) and being caring. Islam also stress a lot on charity and performing good deeds to people around us.

Such is why I need to change my mindset. As much as I value my privacy, I must allow myself to fulfill my role as Muslim who are mindful of my friends, aware of what is happening in this world and together, strive to the ways of Allah taala.

There are times for myself and there are times for other things as well.

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