Saturday, January 2, 2010

A New Beginning.

2009  in theory was an unproductive year of mine. As KMS life ended, I found myself tied, chained to my house, practically done nothing except constant blogging and facebooking. I didn't  work at all. Totally a leech in the house.

I managed to visit few places here and then, meeting old friends, chatting with them, have a fight with one intimidating friend and I was the one who recite iqamah and azan to both of my little brother and sister when they come to this world.

I was still using this old, 2G phone without actually feel the urge to buy any new, 3G, state-of-the-art mobile phone. The idea of my money is strictly for food , magazines and petrol.

2009 however is the year I believe I read the most so far. I started my reading habit very late in my life. It was only after SPM ( yeah, that dreadfully after-SPM long holidays) that I started picking up books to fill my free time. I started my reading by reading Charmed okay? Kind of funny, considering the fact that in 2008- 2009, my idea of reading materials are then pure literature by renowned Malay or English authors and recently, classical and philosophical books. I am trying very hard now to finish reading Tractatus-Logico-Philosophicus by Wittgenstein and Thus Spoke Zarathrustra by Nietzsche.

So 2009 was a productive year or not? I am not sure.

But I really had fun sending some of my friends on their flight departures in KLIA, and chatting with some of them online.

The India medical students  , my roommate Juju, my best friend Shida, some of my A-Level friends, the Actuary far I still somehow being in touch with them. But I realized that although Facebook, YM and Skype existed, maybe later in life. I wouldn't be that close with them anymore, as in the case of my previous MRSM friends. And so I am being realistic and cherish the time when we're still connected before we all will be extremely busy in our lives.

I am packing for Summer School for my degree B.Education (TESOL)  now. A new beginning.

p/s: Ahmad Khairul Anwar's shoes got damaged...huhu.

1 comment:

shida said...

huhu...terbayangkan seekor lintah yang gemok lagi montel..(ni literal meaning arr..tak refer pada sesape..=p)
neway..thanks for still wanna be frend wif me..until dis second..;D