Sunday, February 27, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
I Feel Stupid (expletives, beware)
I pay NZD158 every week for my rent, but I couldn't sleep on my own bed, in my own room because the whole house is infested with bed bugs. And I have to sleep at a friend's house.
I went to see the doctors three times already, and judging by the scars that I got all over my body, it was severe.
The apartment manager tried to minimise spending on this bed bug treatment. You hire one company to treat the matress and another company to treat the carpet. Fuck you. Hey, guess what, I found TWELVE bugs at my bed, just finished sucking the blood out of me. AFTER the treatment. I emailed the matress company, they blame the carpet cleaning company, I emailed the carpet cleaning guy, he blamed the matress cleaning people. So , what happens to me now?
This is what happens to me now. I am lying on the floor at the corridor of my house, this 158NZD per week house which honestly I don't particularly like at all from the very beginning so that I could sleep, hopefully.
The manager never actually notice how serious the bedbug infestation in this house is. In fact, he said that before me, "there wasn't any". I don't care, mr manager. There is now, and by the words of the pest guy and the doctors themselves, this infestation is serious. Before, we live in Mount Street, and none of us complained about bed bugs or anything. Even the current tenant there don't see any bedbugs. So, do not accuse us on causing this ourselves.
It's NZD158 per week, dammit. It's bloody expensive. Even the rooms have no window. We were given NO cutleries, no pans at all. But nevermind, we'll buy them all. It's alright.
We were bitten by bedbugs. Nevermind, thank God we have Studentsafe insurance. We don't have to pay for the expensive medicine and doctor's treatment. We don't even claim anything from you- the 40NZD spent on laundry alone, the flea bombs we bought ourselves, the times we've spent cleaning and re-cleaning this house. So why can't you hire a good pest control company which is truly accountable and could guarantee a good job well done?
You really are a fucking shit, manager. This is a fucking unattractive house at the beginning, now it's a fucking unlivable ones.
And 5 of us paid NZD158 each per week for this motherfucker.
You know why I am this deeply disturbed? I couldn't sleep, not because I don't want to, but because some crawling things keep coming for me for my blood. And it's not even Alice Cullen. Shit. Shit. And fuck you.
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Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Gempa Bumi Di Canterburry.
My prayers go to the brave citizens of Christchurch . Stay strong.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Avalanche City
Love Love Love
Girl i say if only
life would lean our way
well you and me we'd run away to be
where ever our adventure waits
and time would be a distant memory
nobody could tell us to stay
well i've been dreaming ever since i've seen you
heaven when you came my way
i heard your heart sing love love love
oh it seems awfully
hard for us to find at all
well all these years will wash away
and we'll be clean but we'll have nothing more
i can say there'll come another day
where money and our time affords
but on our hands our wrinkles understand
we never really wanted more
and all the life about to go
is in my mind
and all the loudest voices in the world
are never right
*Kiwi music all the way* ~~~
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Monday, February 7, 2011
What constitute secularity?
If one support a laissez-faire secularism in state system or in economy, is it a bad thing?
Why laizzez-faire secularism, not laicite secularism?
Is it wrong to support a religiously neutral stand in a country where only 60.4 percent of the citizens are Muslims?
Is it not the democracy must go together with individual rights, in the intention that the majority would not oppress the minority?
So far, how does it go?
Being secular is fine. Being Muslim evangelist is fine.
In my opinion , it starts to be not fine when one starts demonising each other, in order to attract support.
We depend more on the push factor, not the pull factor.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
"The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are. You trade in your reality for a role. You trade in your sense for an act. You give up your ability to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask. There can't be any large-scale revolution until there's a personal revolution, on and individual level. It's got to happen inside first. You can take away a man's political freedom and you won't hurt him- unless you take away his freedom to feel. That can destroy him. That kind of freedom can't be granted. Nobody can win it for you."
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Alah, kita bukannya tahu 40% rakyat negara itu hidup dengan USD2 sebulan. Alah, kita bukannya pernah baca kisah-kisah tahanan negara itu disiksa. Kita baca Ayat-Ayat Cinta meleleh-leleh, padahal si pengarang memaparkan realiti penjara negara itu.
Seronok pasal Fahri itu sempurna sahaja. AAC cerita jiwang, bukan cerita melawan kejahatan, kan kan?
Kita kata, "dah aman dah negeri tu, nak apa lagi? ". Kalau rakyat sebilangannya terlebih kenyang, sebilangannya kelaparan,aman apa?
Amanla, dah dapat duit berbillion buat tembok tinggi keliling teroris antarabangsa, Palestin.
Kalaupun benci sangat membaca berkenaan Revolusi Iran itu, sebab Islamik sangatlah, syiah kafirlah, bacalah pasal Revolusi Perancis. Rujuk silanglah, silakan.
Bacalah puisi William Wordsworth berkenaan revolusi itu, misalan. Baca kenapa lapar itu akhirnya menjatuhkan monarki Perancis.
Tapi,memang bodohla sesiapa yang menyamakan negara ini dan negara itu. Itu namanya hiperbola. Tapi, amaran, Obama cakap betul juga, kalau tidak ada reform dalam sistem kita, akan jadi negara itulah dalam setengah abad lagi. Jangan main-main. Negara itu living proof.
Tapi, kalau ada manusia-manusia yang cakap mengguling pemimpin negara itu tidak ada gunanya - itu saya cakap ini sahajalah, "selamat membaca".
Tak apa. Kalau benci sangat dengan al-jazeera pun, baca BBC atau Fox News pun tak apa. Media itu pun jelas cakap sebab-sebab kenapa rakyat negara itu benci pemimpin mereka.
Saya sendiri menyokong pemerintahan jenis demokrasi sekular di negara itu. Jadi, jangan ingat saya tulis macam ini sebab saya menyokong puak Islamis. Rakyat yang murtad pun ada hak asasi.
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