Thursday, March 31, 2011


I know some Islamic groups such as PEMBELA (which ISMA is one of them) are against distribution of Malay Bible in Malaysia, because of the use of "Allah" word, it's forbidden under the state laws, or because it's the Malay Bible itself.
. I understand their reasons, yet I disagree wholeheartedly.
People should be able to read what they want- as simple as that. All these so-called protection for the Muslims' aqidah is absurd and paranoid- that's what I believe.

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Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Best Thing

The best thing that I can do to myself is to stay true to what I believe in.

Never mind people. I am the people. That's the spirit.

As long as the Golden Rule is observed, no worries.

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Monday, March 21, 2011

Take a Stand

Take a stand, even if it conflicts with your upbringing.
But tell it clearly.
Tell it with passionate expression, yet at the same time non-emotional.
To take a stand is to realise that others have stand, too.
Be clear in what you believe in.
Give your reasons.
If God is your reason, say it .
If love is your reason , say it.
If love is your reason to leave your God, say it.
This is no longer an age of condemnation.
How many people condemn? Many. You hoping that one more people stop condemning won't give you any good anyway. There are always people who will condemn.
In the end, people around you can just tell you things. It's you who will decide. 

Take your stand in a nice manner. What you believe in is not necessarily true. You may see that it's true, but others don't. Be adamant in what you believe in. Yet, be open to frank debates and discussion.

You believe in God? Great. Your don't believe in God? Sure, I'm kinda disappointed but hey, it's your life. I will expose you to why I believe in God, but I will never ever force to believe in it.

Monday, March 14, 2011

This Feeling.

There are times when you want to be alone.
There are times when you want to hang out with your friends.
To be with people who matter.
To meet God, or whatever existence of higher consciousness.
In the end, even I have to admit that no man is an island. No matter how disappointed you are with yourself or people around you, we are all linked towards each other.

This link, created by God or by the hands of Man alone, is so powerful, in its own way.

This link, which some people would say the epitome of humanity, is what brings faith and happiness. The very nature of selfishness that humankind has due to its animalistic form is subservient to this higher form of being.

The very nature that some people in Malaysia or Canada would proclaim, " We are all Bouazizi!", " We are all Libyans!", " We are all Egyptians!"
The very nature that Australians and NewZealanders are two most charitable nations in the world.
The very nature that in the times of stress, we help and we share.

Is it for the survival of humanity? Perhaps, but as skeptic as I can be, even I wish for this feeling and the actions that I and many, many others have taken in response to this feeling are for the purpose much grander, much nobler.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Eye Opener.EDUC 283

To me, EDUC 283 is an eye-opener.
What kind of a teacher you want to be?
Executive , liberationists, facilitative ?
What is your ideals and ends of education?
Is it about student's enlightenment?Is it about democracy?
Is it about self-awereness?
Or is it just creating products ready for the industry? Ready for the workforce? Something our neo-Marxists such as Gramsci had theorized years ago?
If Gramsci was correct, teachers are then the very first slaves of capitalism.

I am more of a liberationist, I think. I might not be later on.
Nevertheless, just for the sake of mentioning, I read Shariati's view of education. Somehow.
Shariati argues, in conclusive statement that education is the way a man ( bashaar), in its animal state strives to be an insan, a being defined by its soul, not just by its flesh and bones.
A man who uses the brain to speculate and think and ponder, yet depends on the soul to give him the answer.

I don't necessarily agree with Shariati.
I believe in quite a relativistic view of matter.
True meaning of education doesn't really matter to me- just like the true(est) religion is nothing for me.