Thursday, February 18, 2010

Our Park

I just happen to like the image.

This is one of the many parks existed in the University of Auckland. We would cross this park every time we want to go to the Fisher Building- the one where DALSL ( Department of Applied Language Studies and Linguistics) is located.

I like Albert Park as well.

I don't think this field has a name, but we call it "our park".

Well, we haven't been to the Auckland Domain park actually , and I know the sceneries are nicer there. Blame us for being bitchy and only visited shopping districts tirelessly. (Oh, I really need to be slapped in the face for spending my money (  rakyat's money?) to buy clothes...and more clothes).


Yay! One assignment down, one more to go! Then I 'll be happy to spend my time at the wondrous Auckland Museum- hell, I am even thinking of Devenport ( by ferry) and One Tree Hill now!

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