Revolusi ini, pada pandanganku, bukanlah sebuah revolusi Islam sepertimana yang berlaku di Iran.
Ianya bukan sebuah revolusi Islam, tetapi ini revolusi Islamik. Revolusi ini sungguh mendapat justifikasi dari sudut Islam.
Revolusi ini ialah revolusi rakyat yang tertindas. Rakyat yang Islamik, rakyat yang sekular, rakyat yang agamanya Kristian Koptik, rakyat wanita yang bertudung dan yang tidak bertudung. Ini ialah revolusi para mustad'afin, revolusi mereka-mereka yang tertekan.
Revolusi ini revolusi di mana seluruh lapisan masyarakat turun, lelaki dan perempuan, berjilbab atau berambut blonde, menjatuhkan seorang diktator Firaun. Mereka bercampur baur sesama mereka, tangan lelaki dan wanita sama-sama menghayun bendera Mesir, suara mereka lelaki dan wanita sama-sama mengumandangkan lagu-lagu patriotik Mesir.
Dan sungguh, kalaulah ulama-ulama besar sekalipun menyuruh manusia-manusia ini pulang kerana berlakunya campur-baur antara lelaki dan perempuan, sepertimana kata ulama-ulama salaf terkenal di Arab Saudi , tidak ramai yang akan mengikut. "Persetan kamu, ulama anjing", manusia-manusia ini mungkin berkata.
Ini bukan revolusi Islam. Ini revolusi hak civil yang Islamik.
Ini ialah tubuh-tubuh peminum arak , pemain judi, pengganggur terbiar, wanita-wanita yang kalian keji kerana enggannya mereka menutup aurat, peninggal solat TURUN bersekali dengan penjihad-penjihad Ikhwan, pemandu teksi cabuk, peniaga kecil yang saban hari terpaksa membayar rasuah kepada polis yang korup dan lelaki-lelaki tua yang anak mereka tersiksa di penjara-penjara Mesir- semuanya berkumpul di Tahrir Square.
Tahrir : Pembebasan.
Mungkinkah Tahrir kelak akan jadi Tiananmen? Naudzubillah.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Egypt dan Tunisia.
Setiap hari adalah Ashura, setiap tanah ialah Karbala.
Dan Tuhan ini ialah Tuhan mus'ada'fin, Tuhan orang-orang yang tertindas.
Tuhan ini ialah Tuhan yang mewahyukan agar Musa membawa kaumnya Bani Israel keluar daripada bumi Mesir ke Tanah yang Dijanjikan.
Tuhan ini ialah Tuhan kepada Firaun, Tuhan yang menenggelamkan keegoan dalam lautan yang ombaknya mengganas.
Sebegitu jugalah Tuhan ini, inshaAllah, akan mengeluarkan kaum-kaum yang tertindas kini daripada Firaun-Firaun zaman ini.
Dan kita yakin dengan janji Allah. Kita yakin dengan janji Allah.
Dan Tuhan ini ialah Tuhan mus'ada'fin, Tuhan orang-orang yang tertindas.
Tuhan ini ialah Tuhan yang mewahyukan agar Musa membawa kaumnya Bani Israel keluar daripada bumi Mesir ke Tanah yang Dijanjikan.
Tuhan ini ialah Tuhan kepada Firaun, Tuhan yang menenggelamkan keegoan dalam lautan yang ombaknya mengganas.
Sebegitu jugalah Tuhan ini, inshaAllah, akan mengeluarkan kaum-kaum yang tertindas kini daripada Firaun-Firaun zaman ini.
Dan kita yakin dengan janji Allah. Kita yakin dengan janji Allah.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
In Islam , there is such a thing called blasphemy.
You never question the practices of the religion, it is an utter disrespect towards the God and the Prophet.
You never question the scholars of the religion, it is a totally sinful act.
You don't also question the establishment based on Islamic system, because in the creed supposedly every Muslim is a political pawn whom each are subject to the holy order of creating a powerful Islamic empire that in the end bring peace to the world- 'peace' defined by the religion, of course.
We are taught not to dispute hudud law, for example. We are taught to know, or at least remember verbally the hikmah behind it .
For example, I wouldn't question it, not because I am afraid that my aqidah would begone( I honestly don't care), but because I am not ready to subject myself to a foolish attempt of questioning the status quo and frankly speaking, JAKIM has had enough cases as of late.
It is just come to my utter disappointment that some people find it fascinating to watch videos of how people who commit crimes are subject to hudud law and being killed by stoning or shooting. As if such is an entertainment. And this is the same people who watched the videos Palestinians being killed by the Israelis and wept. To some radical Zionists, killing Palestinians IS an entertainment. But Palestinians are human. The people punished are also human. Same oozy, dark, blood, same really graphic horror. The only difference is one's a sinner and one's a saint. Here the saints are the objects of pity and the sinners are the objects of ridicule.
We are objectifying human, in the end. Pathetic.
Worst, in some isolated cases, the very same person who watches this gruesome-looking divine law enactment is also the ones watching porn on the very same fancy laptop. The very same person who laughs at a Muslim adulterer and watching them being stoned with satisfaction and happiness ( because the God's law is being enacted- and it's good right, God's law) yet the same lust themselves in two White male and female doing coitus - and I'm pretty sure those are also adulterers.
I'm not saying that we all are saints. No. We all have dark secrets. We all have our weaknesses. I just realized on how sometimes, we have lost our touch of humanity. I will never ever question the morality besides hudud law, I am questioning the people who cast the stone.
Is it not enough that the stones are cast, but you record them and upload them for the world to see?
Moral lesson, is it? Warning? The Prophet said that after the punishment,dead or alive, these people are as good as never doing the sin in actuality. Instead, you let the images of these people, however sinful they may have been during living , haunting the World Wide Web practically, forever.
100 lashes are enough. Death is enough.
Oh, just watch all the cruelty that Palestinians face. Do watch whatever you want, kidnapped foreigners being slaughtered on the camera, or some Shiites holy mosques are bombed and hundreds were dead- and laugh all you want, because the kidnapped people were kafirs and Shiites are as bad as being kafirs. They deserve such treatment.
But think, how does it feel watching those videos? Is it fear? Is it pride, because Islamic punishments are being carried? Or is it FUN, as if you were watching Gladiator fighting at the Colosseum?
If it's the last, don't ask whether you are a Muslim or not, ask whether you're a human or not.
You never question the practices of the religion, it is an utter disrespect towards the God and the Prophet.
You never question the scholars of the religion, it is a totally sinful act.
You don't also question the establishment based on Islamic system, because in the creed supposedly every Muslim is a political pawn whom each are subject to the holy order of creating a powerful Islamic empire that in the end bring peace to the world- 'peace' defined by the religion, of course.
We are taught not to dispute hudud law, for example. We are taught to know, or at least remember verbally the hikmah behind it .
For example, I wouldn't question it, not because I am afraid that my aqidah would begone( I honestly don't care), but because I am not ready to subject myself to a foolish attempt of questioning the status quo and frankly speaking, JAKIM has had enough cases as of late.
It is just come to my utter disappointment that some people find it fascinating to watch videos of how people who commit crimes are subject to hudud law and being killed by stoning or shooting. As if such is an entertainment. And this is the same people who watched the videos Palestinians being killed by the Israelis and wept. To some radical Zionists, killing Palestinians IS an entertainment. But Palestinians are human. The people punished are also human. Same oozy, dark, blood, same really graphic horror. The only difference is one's a sinner and one's a saint. Here the saints are the objects of pity and the sinners are the objects of ridicule.
We are objectifying human, in the end. Pathetic.
Worst, in some isolated cases, the very same person who watches this gruesome-looking divine law enactment is also the ones watching porn on the very same fancy laptop. The very same person who laughs at a Muslim adulterer and watching them being stoned with satisfaction and happiness ( because the God's law is being enacted- and it's good right, God's law) yet the same lust themselves in two White male and female doing coitus - and I'm pretty sure those are also adulterers.
I'm not saying that we all are saints. No. We all have dark secrets. We all have our weaknesses. I just realized on how sometimes, we have lost our touch of humanity. I will never ever question the morality besides hudud law, I am questioning the people who cast the stone.
Is it not enough that the stones are cast, but you record them and upload them for the world to see?
Moral lesson, is it? Warning? The Prophet said that after the punishment,dead or alive, these people are as good as never doing the sin in actuality. Instead, you let the images of these people, however sinful they may have been during living , haunting the World Wide Web practically, forever.
100 lashes are enough. Death is enough.
Oh, just watch all the cruelty that Palestinians face. Do watch whatever you want, kidnapped foreigners being slaughtered on the camera, or some Shiites holy mosques are bombed and hundreds were dead- and laugh all you want, because the kidnapped people were kafirs and Shiites are as bad as being kafirs. They deserve such treatment.
But think, how does it feel watching those videos? Is it fear? Is it pride, because Islamic punishments are being carried? Or is it FUN, as if you were watching Gladiator fighting at the Colosseum?
If it's the last, don't ask whether you are a Muslim or not, ask whether you're a human or not.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
South Island
This is the last night that I would be in this South Island and really, I will miss all this, somehow.
It was one of the wonderful days in my life so far- not pretty, but simply wonderful.
So till we meet again.
It was one of the wonderful days in my life so far- not pretty, but simply wonderful.
So till we meet again.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Wankhai's Being Bitter.
You think you're turning more and more away from the straight path these days. You miss the last year where everything was so simple.
You miss the days where you can even have that kind of determination to wake up early in the morning and recite ma'thurat after subuh just like what you used to do in your SIS days.
The days where following jaulah and daurah were fun- because like some anthropologists, this thing you're observing around you is like a microcosm of the sub-society called " ikhwah" and " islamis"- it's a new, fascinating thing. Now you happen to be one of it( somehow), you've finally going native- the excitement's all gone. All of a sudden now, you have more interest in the concept of religious pluralism and to an extent, the concept of open-monotheism.
The days where praying subuh late was considered so bad and you're feeling so remorseful - now, you woke up with a shrug and just said, "nah, accidents happen. oversleeping is not counted, just pray subuh as it is".
The days where the words of Banna and Abduh was enlightenment - now, you don't even differentiate them with Nietzsche, Buddha nor that Sheldon Cooper from the Big Bang Theory .
You see people around you striving to be better and indeed they achieved greatness- but once God tested you, you failed on istiqamah because you 'feel' that you are better than living this goody-two-shoes-repetitive-boring life of yours that you had last year.
Guess what? You're an arse.
You think that you're better than the rest of these good fellows who finally becomes much better person than you will ever be ? Dreams, dude, dreams.
You need to be knocked some sense into you. A bitchslap would be fine, as well.
I mean, what kind of a person are you? Reading lots of things don't make you a better human, mister, it's how you act. You are a hopeless wreck , mate, and if you don't take any actions about any of this ridiculous life of yours- you'll definitely end up being bitter and alone.
You think you're okay with being alone, aye? Wait till you see the time when all your friends are balding and too busy too play with you since they have a screaming kids and a loud wife to attend to - and tell me, this ghost of your past- how is it being bitter and alone? Fun? In fact,as you don't even have a brain like Sheldon , or absurdly patient friends of his- tell me how you will cope with that kind of life- being a sad, widely-hated-by-students English teacher who are too stingy to give students an A1 for their Ujian Selaras?
Now you might think that all this are just some emotional, rambling stuff you wrote because Faizi had borrowed your external drive and you are clueless on how to live your life at the moment without watching Doctor Who or Big Bang Theory which you had kept in the external drive, but mark my words, young man. Mark my words. It will come to you.
Yours truthfully,
The outcome of your one hour of external drive withrawal syndrome.
You miss the days where you can even have that kind of determination to wake up early in the morning and recite ma'thurat after subuh just like what you used to do in your SIS days.
The days where following jaulah and daurah were fun- because like some anthropologists, this thing you're observing around you is like a microcosm of the sub-society called " ikhwah" and " islamis"- it's a new, fascinating thing. Now you happen to be one of it( somehow), you've finally going native- the excitement's all gone. All of a sudden now, you have more interest in the concept of religious pluralism and to an extent, the concept of open-monotheism.
The days where praying subuh late was considered so bad and you're feeling so remorseful - now, you woke up with a shrug and just said, "nah, accidents happen. oversleeping is not counted, just pray subuh as it is".
The days where the words of Banna and Abduh was enlightenment - now, you don't even differentiate them with Nietzsche, Buddha nor that Sheldon Cooper from the Big Bang Theory .
You see people around you striving to be better and indeed they achieved greatness- but once God tested you, you failed on istiqamah because you 'feel' that you are better than living this goody-two-shoes-repetitive-boring life of yours that you had last year.
Guess what? You're an arse.
You think that you're better than the rest of these good fellows who finally becomes much better person than you will ever be ? Dreams, dude, dreams.
You need to be knocked some sense into you. A bitchslap would be fine, as well.
I mean, what kind of a person are you? Reading lots of things don't make you a better human, mister, it's how you act. You are a hopeless wreck , mate, and if you don't take any actions about any of this ridiculous life of yours- you'll definitely end up being bitter and alone.
You think you're okay with being alone, aye? Wait till you see the time when all your friends are balding and too busy too play with you since they have a screaming kids and a loud wife to attend to - and tell me, this ghost of your past- how is it being bitter and alone? Fun? In fact,as you don't even have a brain like Sheldon , or absurdly patient friends of his- tell me how you will cope with that kind of life- being a sad, widely-hated-by-students English teacher who are too stingy to give students an A1 for their Ujian Selaras?
Now you might think that all this are just some emotional, rambling stuff you wrote because Faizi had borrowed your external drive and you are clueless on how to live your life at the moment without watching Doctor Who or Big Bang Theory which you had kept in the external drive, but mark my words, young man. Mark my words. It will come to you.
Yours truthfully,
The outcome of your one hour of external drive withrawal syndrome.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
To me, friends didn't need to contact each other too often, especially people from different places ( say, US and NZ) . Too much and you will run out of topics to say-unless you lead an interesting life ( for example, backpacking across the world- which most of us don't). If not,your messages will be full of "LOL"s and "huhu"s only. You can talk about women you admire, women you currently date or called dibs for ( credits to HIMYM for introducing this word to me) but even those evergreen topics won't go everlasting.
And don't even get started on the weather.
p/s: I really, really admire Sheldon Copper from the Big Bang Theory.
And don't even get started on the weather.
p/s: I really, really admire Sheldon Copper from the Big Bang Theory.
Doctor Who.
Yup. You got me.
Doctor Who is the name.
Wanna make me happy? Let's talk about Doctor Who.
Doctor Who is the name.
Wanna make me happy? Let's talk about Doctor Who.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
A new year. What a year 2010 was, I would say.
New friends. New environments. Same old dilemmas, tons of new things.
Same me, I would say. Yes, undoubtedly, I explored so many things last year, tried to change- but in the end, I decided to stop and stay who I am. I'm trying to balance between a Wan Khai I am supposed to be and the Wan Khai I really am inside.
Anyhows, 2011. New year. Bring it on,
Sent from my iPod
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