Sunday, January 23, 2011


To me, friends didn't need to contact each other too often, especially people from different places ( say, US and NZ) . Too much and you will run out of topics to say-unless you lead an interesting life ( for example, backpacking across the world- which most of us don't). If not,your messages will be full of "LOL"s and "huhu"s only. You can talk about women you admire, women you currently date or called dibs for ( credits to HIMYM for introducing this word to me) but even those evergreen topics won't go everlasting.

And don't even get started on the weather.

p/s: I really, really admire Sheldon Copper from the Big Bang Theory.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LoL, like this? Sejak bila layan himym?
