Thursday, September 3, 2009

Deep Thinking

I imagine.Me with so many kids. Really noisy house. Really devastating life. It all seem so terrible. I realized that I'm not a family man. I don't see myself having kids, and I slowly don't see the need to have a family. I really do. And this naughty, evil mind of mine slowly gives this idea of living far away from noisy parents and stupid siblings when I have my job later, and keep the relationship to a bare minimum. Call me evil, but in this glorious nite of Ramadan, I had to say, to me, this is a brilliant idea. And still, I'm not against any sunnah or anything, I'm just being me: individualistic.


rainbOw said...

halo fren,awat ni..xkn xnk kaawen kut.hehe..cmoN la..kalu susa sgt,ak ad calon utk ko,nak x??org y ko slalu gado2 dl..hahaha

Anonymous said...

ngahah! saye pun bole carikan ;)

dush2 kerana comment takde kaitan huhu

wankhai said...

shazmin: haha. yup. suddenly terbangun dari tido dan that dream about having a family seem so terrible.I have an instant response to that: I'm really not a family guy. Min, thanks but no thanks.

tasha: hahahahahaha. aiya.