Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Holiday.

I miss him.
And that's it.
Well, that's why I don't like to have intimate friends so much- I become attached to them, though I have to realise that there are such things of distances and busy times.

A prayer would suffice inshaAllah.

O God bless him whenever he is, and keep him in the path towards You.
O God if you want to make him suffer let him suffer in thinking of You alone, or You let me suffer as well.
O God bless him with friends better than I could offer myself to him, love I wish I myself could attain and affection the whole humanity could offer throughout this tedious journey of his.
O God let people love him more than how I was loved, and let him burn in the sweet thoughts of Your Grace.
O God when he is in confusion, lend him Your Hands of Blessings, O God when he is in pain, send him Elixir of Serenity, O God when he is sad, remove his sadness and let me feel it instead.
O God when he is alone, send him Joy, O God when he is troubled, send him Light, O God when he is angry, send him Consolation.

Love is pure. Love is sacred. Love is a reflection of your Providence so God bless him with Love all around, or Suffering so deep he couldn't resort to anything except You and Your Love.



Anonymous said...

haha sounds not like me. a lucky friend he is.

Anonymous said...
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wankhai said...

well, he is not you, but I always pray for all my friends~~~especially the ex-room-mates,obviously.

call Faizi haritu. Faizi and Hariz, ex roommates jugak okay~

Unknown said...

Salam Wan

Aku pinjam doa kamu ya!