Monday, April 11, 2011

To Learn To Respect Disagreements.

I know that to an extent, I am a humanist. A secular or religious humanist, I cannot say, since although I'm very comfortable with the idea of secularity, I am not yet not to an extent deny myself the capacity of believing in some kind of Creator.

And I'm some sort of a Muslim. I pray, I read Quran, I fast , I tend to have a certain bias on Islamic perspectives and so on.

But looking all those people who see themselves as humanist,  liberal, open-minded, critical- it's not very hard to see that some of them do inhibit some unnecessary hostility feelings towards Muslims.

Well, I hope that I'm not one of these people. I've has ustazs as my uncles, most of my good friends belong to a number of evangelistic-like Muslim organizations, drawing heavily from the wisdom of Banna or Qutb.

They are wonderful, awesome people. They aren't some blind and uneducated Muslims the world are trying to portray them. In fact, some of them are VERY intelligent, fairly successful , and I can say, lead a happy life.

A couple of them actually are being truly respectful with all my opinions that sometimes clash with the taken-for-granted views in the Islamic world. And I truly admire them for that. You see, it takes courage to believe in something, but they believe in something but they don't condemn people who believes in something else. 

They believe fully in Islamic system and it's ability to cure the society. On the other hand, I see society as a work in progress. But, that's it.

There is no right or wrong in the conditions of society- granted sufficient amount of knowledge, efficient management and productive dialectical reasoning amongst its members, the society is advancing infinitely. A more liberal society or a more conservative society are just social phenomenons that reflect the people within that society and how they interact with the revolving ideas and aspiring powers available in their surroundings.

I cannot say what the society would be in 50 years time, and I can't even decide that a particular way is the only way the society must go. Sure, we can plan. We can try to campaign or work towards our ideal society, but in the 50 years time, it was the members of that future era who have the right to dictate their life and how their society should function.

The Islamists, as I would call them generally, have a grand plan for society. Idealistic, nevertheless, but ideals are what make human minds so fascinating, right? Us fragile humans and our absolutely grand ideals. I do not necessarily agree with them, but I believe they have the right to propagate their beliefs. Unless they're start killing people- which is not the case here- I would argue.

I don't support this kind of evangelistic Islam, but I don't go shout at them with raged emotions.

 Humanity is a work in progress, and so shall it be forever.

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