Thursday, January 29, 2009

Melepas Geram

I think I'm going crazy by the days living in this women-dominated class.

I wonder.Men do talk a lot, obviously, but I never get the idea on why women can't stop talking. Huhu.

I also don't understand myself lately. I'm getting more pissed off chatting some matters with the girls now than before. Maybe I reach the limit of my resistance.Perhaps.

Don't women have the time when they just want to go through the day in silence, in perfect undisturbed emotion, simply go with the flow? I don't know. I just ask.

And these days, I am more confirmed to the fact that " showing gentleman manner to the girls are seriously bullshit" than before. Last few years, I thought that women are to be SO respected and SO cherished. Man should respect them like they are some Angels from Heaven. Well, that what my ustaz taught me. Help them anytime they need help, assist them like you are their bodyguard, that sorta things.

It has started to change when I entered MRSM and totally changed when I'm in KMS. Maybe I've changed because I've got too much dose of the " truth of women nature" compared to the normal dose an ordinary guy actually got. I've being deceived before, and now I see the naked truth.

Can't blame my classmates or any other women, after all. I'm the one who should be put to blame. They are just displaying their true selves- why should it be a fault? On the other hand, I also don't reveal my actual behaviour in front of my women-dominated class. The 'superiority of gender' issue. It's a foolish thing to be a chauvinist pig in a class full of women, to which the class learn Feminism. Duh.

Though I regard the women as a whole as complete morons now, and I hope the impression will change because I don't want to be a gay or bi or die a bachelor , I still have my respect left of me. I have my deep respect for my classmates. In fact, I really respect all my classmates, irrespective of their gender because we are all hardworking and commited to our job. That deserves a respect, isn't it? Why gender should be an issueor barrier? Let's be a professional student.

I'd rather be fair and equal to each other. You make fun of me? Fine. I don't care what gender you are, because I can also make fun to the others, and don't blame me if you are hurt because I simply couldn't care less. I believe in equality. You say that I'm "so so so", I can reply, "so what, you think you're that $%^? Don't you realize that you are *&%$$?". That's it. Just qisas. Pure equality. If you can reveal my bad things, why am I not allowed to repay back to yours, right?

And anyway, we love to make "jokes" to each other, right?

Huh. Puas pun melepas geram. Melepas geram memang lagi best kalau kat dalam tempat terbuka, baru rasa lapang ja. Tulis kat diari tak puas langsung, mcm nak bakar2 je diari tu. Bila dah habis lepas geram ,apa lagi?

Baru sedar, perut rasa lapar gila.


mulanrizu said...

a nice one wake...
like it though..

Anonymous said...
