The clock stops. The rewind of simulacra. The wrath of Mind. The embrace by Holy Mother. The reality of realisation.
It takes the other force outside to neutralize the rage of emotions inside.
Thank you.
The clock stops. The rewind of simulacra. The wrath of Mind. The embrace by Holy Mother. The reality of realisation.
It takes the other force outside to neutralize the rage of emotions inside.
Thank you.
Don't forget. Live with this memory. Live and suffer, and when the times come, let this soul embraces its fate, and the wings of Lucifer carry this tortured soul to oblivion.
If the Grace allows it otherwise, may the prayers of the Savior ( if he wills it) and the Archangels ( if the soul deserves it) fight with this Army of Darkness as the Bows of Light shattered the Fiery Chains of Azazel. May the soul released from the depths of depression, and may the soul receives Purification.
Till then, the soul is still and is an Instrument of Evil, and so be proud of it.
I hate this love-hate relationship, err, relationship. He is the most intimidating batchmate that I have, yet I can't find me distancing myself from him.
He always intimidates me to the seventh hell, and yet when he asks for something, I voluntarily help! What kind of friendship is that? Haha.
Before, for a month and more, we never talked to each other face to face, apparently for no obvious reasons. On my perspective, I found it tired to always fight, and tease, and ridicule each other, and perhaps as nature runs its course, I stop talking to him. Maybe he realised that something peculiar was going on, so he also stopped caring.
Still, that doesn't make us distanced at all. I think. I went to his room, simply talking to his roommates while ignoring him, not talking to this guy at all while in actuality, I was sitting beside him all the time! He also sometimes go down to my room , grab a magazine of mine and reading it, while I also read my stuff. A total silence. Stupid, isn't it?
In fact, I converses well with him on YM! It is as if nothing happens( well, nothing happens anyway, just two guys intimidating each other through silence). Then, I can found myself knowing what I've been missing about his life- his trip with the friends, his new girlfriend etc. Haha.
Things have returned to normal, in a way that we speak to each other again, and yes, we intimidate each other more. That smile. I hate his egoistic and patriarchal smile, yet in a way, that smile is the one that attach myself to this perasan, stupid, bangang, tak sedar diri, tak jaga hati orang, playboy, gayish , troublesome person. Damn!
Peace. Don't fikir bukan-bukan sudeyh.
Merujuk kepada saranan Musawah oleh NGO Sister in Islam supaya equality of gender diwujudkan dalam Islam dan pintu ijtihad terbuka, saya disini mengeluarkan pandangan saya bahawa maaf, saya tidak dapat bersetuju dengan saranan persatuan tersebut.
Saya menyokong pandangan Persatuan Ulama Pulau Pinang dan Pemuda Pas Perak dalam hal ini.
Pertamanya, mungkin definisi anda dalam equality of gender itu berbeza dengan pemahaman saya. Maka, dalam hal ini, saya, walau menghormati definisi kesamarataan anda, saya yakin bahawa definisi saya dalam kesamarataan gender itu lebih tepat serta lebih berlandas dan menepati syariat, dimana syariat itu mestilah samada Sunnah dan Syiah, perlu merujuk Al-Quran dan Sunnah.
Keduanya, tidak bermakna anda menyarankan bahawa pintu ijtihad perlu dibuka semula memandangkan hakikatnya, pintu ijtihad itu tidak pernah ditutup pun melainkan hanya bagi sesetengah ulama' sahaja seperti al-Fallaq. Malah, kepulauan Nusantara dahulunya yang cenderung pada pegangan penutupan pintu ijtihad ini pun, kita melihat bahawa fikah al- Fathani dan al-Raniri itu sendiri berbeza dengan Tanah Arab, bukti adaptasi suasana dalam rantau tradisional ini dahulunya. Dengan kewujudan ulama-ulama seperti Yusuf Qardhawi, almarhum Dr Zaki Badwi , dan sebilangan lagi ulama kontemporari lain, ini satu bukti jelas bahawa hakikatnya, pintu ijtihad itu telahpun dibuka awal abad ke -20 lagi, seiiring dengan saranan Muhammad Abduh yang mengubah sistem pendidikan Universiti al- Azhar.
Malah, isu ijtihad itu sendiri tidak bermakna hukum-hukum yang qat'i seperti sembahyang, puasa, sistem warisan harta pusaka boleh diubah sewenang-wenangnya, bukan? Seorang mujtahid sebenarnya hanya berijtihad dalam perkara yang boleh dibuka lagi ruang perdebatan. Kalaulah dalam Quran dan Hadis telah jelas akan hukum tersebut, mengapa pula mujtahid-mujtahid perlu mengubah hukum yang jelas dalam Quran dan Sunnah? Kalaulah Quran jelas mengatakan bahawa " telah aku haramkan kepada kamu babi, darah, arak", kenapa pula mujtahid kena mencari cara untuk memanipulasi ayat Quran ini?
Saya memahami bahawa dalam sebilangan perkara, sewajarnya perempuan masa kini mendapat pembelaan. Contohnya, tindakan Taliban untuk menghalang pendidikan bagi perempuan dan hak mengundi merupakan sesuatu yang patut dikesali dan ditentang. Dalam hal ini, ia batas-batas perubahan yang dibolehkan kerana tidak ada dalil naqli yang jelas mengharamkan perkara tersebut.Saya berpendapat bahawa sebenarnya tidak ada masalah dengan Islam, yang masalahnya ialah adat. Adat yang patut diubah, bukannya agama.
Alasan zaman berubah tidak bermakna keseluruhan Islam itu lapuk pula. Kalau anda berkeyakinan begitu, jelaslah ia satu dusta yang nyata kerana walau tajdid segar ialah tajdid yang menyetujui zaman, ia masih berpaksikan Quran dan Sunnah.
Quran dan Sunnah. Quran dan Sunnah.
Apa pandangan anda berkenaan hal ini? Setakat pengamatan saya, kalian meletakkan akal di tempat yang terlampau dalam hal ini. Janganlah menuduh mazhab-mazhab sedia ada tidak menggunakan akal, tidak rasional.
Bukannya apa. Saya sedikit curiga dengan organisasi anda. Maaf. Anda sebenarnya tidak mewakilkan barisan ulama' yang dikktiraf sedunia. Pembahas-pembahas jemputan anda hampir kesemuanya pendukung Gagasan Islam Liberal, dan kami sendiri maklum pandangan gagasan ini pada Quran dan Sunnah. Maka, bagaimana boleh kami menyokong gagasan anda?
Mana mungkin kami boleh menggadaikan Quran dan Sunnah atas dasar peredaran zaman pula?
Betul kan?
Salam. Semoga Allah memberkati saya dan anda, mengurniakan keampunan kepada saya dan anda, dan menggagalkan usaha anda yang tidak menepati Quran dan Sunnah.
There are things that we very much want to tell others, because we find that keeping it as a secret an unbearable and torturous to our very soul.
Some people resorted to the 'hidden message' instead. I very much wants to tell a secret of mine, but I don't want to tell it out loud or crystal clear. So, here it goes.
Me. The picture. Connected. My destiny. My Personal Legend.
Well, obviously I don't have purple eyes. That would be too darn bloody cool.
There are times that I simply wish to vanish. Sometimes the trials were stressful that I want to stop everything. I want to simply go somewhere where nobody knows me, and start anew.
But that culprit called globalization would make it impossible. No matter how much I wanted to run, I can never succeed. In fact, even if I run to the islands of Greece, those undisturbed islands roamed by wild animals and heavily protected by the Holy Mother, with this GPS, Internet and such technology I can still be found.
Though I wonder on why should I run to islands on the first place. A peaceful, countryside town would be sufficient enough.
The time will reveal, and when that time do come , I want to leave this life leaving something to humanity. The mark that I sacrificed my whole life for, knowing that as my life no longer holds any value to me, it should be of value to the others. And for that, I need You my Lord, no matter how much you hated me now.
Only You can allow that. Hope I am able to achieve such dream before You call me back though I myself perhaps unworthy of such grace. For that, I send you my repentance.