Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Bless The Victims of Moscow Suicide Bombing.

All my prayers go to the victims of suicide bombing at Moscow train station today.
Let the world know that I never support al-Qaeda and their methods of thinking - ever.
Suicide bombing - whatever form it is -is intolerable.
What they did are just foolish acts- I don't care if they are oppressed or whatsoever - what they do is just....my God.

 I don't have to be asabiyah. Asabiyah is not limited to race or skin colour only. It means that you support your people eventhough they did something wrong- and indeed they did something very, VERY wrong.

They didn't realize that the Muslims living in Moscow are already prejudiced, discriminated? Now what would happen? Do these "so-called pious Muslim nationalists" want to protect these honest Russian Muslims from harassment and discrimination? No. At most, they will just commenting that " the kuffars are harassing our brothers. They ought to be killed". YOU, the RUSSIAN government, the AMERICAN government are SIMILAR. The cycle of death. All of you- no matter what your principles are- God , state, secularity- are the axis of evil. Evil you guys are- evil!

It saddens me that Shias are killed in a sucide bombing - why? - for being a Shia .
It saddens me that people are killed for being civilians - mere civilians.

Honestly speaking, now, I think if such was the case, it is wise for Russia to enact the martial law that forbid the wearing of niqab for security purposes. It happens in Iraq. Most of the time, it was the women, fully veiled that do the dirty work. Men? Bleuk.

Freedom of religion practice go to hell. You are second to people's lives.

Funny how it is- during the old times at school- we were shown by our seniors - at SURAU!- the fight between Chechens and Russians- wow they are supported even during our prayers! And it suddenly reminds me on how foolish I was that time. The pseudoterrorists - pardon the definition- who did the naughty works and then rely on other brothers of theirs to do the public image building.

After some bloodshed- what are they doing? - nothing. They are not even saddened by the death of innocent bystanders- all are kuffars to them- bloody hell. And then we have Muslim League Europe, Al-Azhar, Saudi Arabia clerics, ISNA ( Islamic Society North America) who had to do all the image cleaning. And then you still wonder why Islamophobia still exists?

Funny it is. It reminds me of Syed Abduh- once the Egypt's Al-Azhar University who brought many reforms to the institution- who famously said , " When I went to Egypt, I see many Muslims but I don't see Islam. But when I went to France, I see not many Muslims but I see Islam".

What a shame.

Blessed be the victims of Moscow suicide bombings and other human who are killed because some other fanatically religious people, ultra- nationalists, militant capitalists.

Religion and politics- somehow I would think, with guilty thought- let's just get rid of these shit?


Anonymous said...

you said it all. full stop.

wankhai said...

tu la...
mmg mereka ini mustad'afin ( yang ditindas), tetapi kadang2 kita tidak mahu yang ditindas menjadi penindas di luar kesedaran.