Thursday, October 29, 2009

Am I "Sesat" Because I Don't Believe In "Khalifah" Concept?

Saya tak pastilah on whether konsep "khalifah" itu satu tunjang aqidah Ahlussunnah wal Jamaah tapi saya rasa antara aspek penting jugaklah.Kalau ya, maka aqidah saya rosaklah. Nak buat macam mana. Jangan risau, macam mana pun, saya  tahu, ada hadis bahawa "sesiapa yang tidak mempunyai baiah di tengkuknya, apabila dia mati maka matinya mati jahiliah."Kiranya aqidah saya rosak bukan sebab jahil la. Sebab lain. Sebab saya bangang kot. Hadis dari sahih Bukhari ini saya rasa saya kenal sedari zaman budak-budak di sekolah menengah agama dulu. Senior-senior yang terlebih bersemangat waja PAS itu akhirnya entah apa-apa sekarang. Sayang, zaman remaja ialah zaman memahamkan. Apabila terlalu awal nak menjadi aktivis sedangkan proses penghadaman fikrah itu entah ke mana-mana, maka tenaga aktivis itu hilang di awal waktunya dan hapus menjelang dewasa ( mungkin masih kuat di zaman universiti), sedangkan apalah sangat yang dapat daripada bercerita dengan kanak-kanak f1 yang lebih peduli Digimon dan Dragon Ball dan membiasakan diri dengan subjek silibus Al-Azhar (I'dadi) yang susah dan memeningkan.

Saya sampai sekarang tak faham. Ya, mungkin sahaja sistem khilafah itu wajib. Malah, saya tahu bahawa Imam Nawawi pernah menuturkan bahawa para ulama' sudah sepakat  bahawa wajibnya ada hanya satu "khalifah" yang mengurus muslimin seluruh dunia. Ah, bukan Imam Nawawi as-Shafii saja pun, Imam Ibnu Hazm al Andalusi pun. Dan ramai lagi ulama berpandangan sedemikian. Boleh menjadi ijma' dalam mazhab Ahl Sunnah wal Jamaah kalau ikutkan lah. So "mungkin" itu boleh delete kot daripada ayat "mungkin sahaja sistem khilafah itu wajib". Tapi yalah, secara "teorinya" begitulah. Satu khalifah satu dunia. Hanya di zaman Khalifah Rashiduun saja begitu kot. Zaman Umayyah saja pun sudah terlalu besar. Khalifah terkemudian secara dasarnya hanya secara terus memerintah ibu kota dan sekitarnya sahaja. Yang wilayah lain apalagi, birokrasi lah. Dan juga autonomi diberikan bagi sesetengah gabenor tentera atau ketua puak yang menyokong kerajaan ketika itu, terutamanya apabila mereka berjaya menumpaskan anasir-anasir penyokong Keluarga Nabi dalam perebutan takhta khilafah. Dan benda yang sama berlaku di zaman Abbasiah. Penghujung zaman Abbasiah, sistem "khalifah" hanya satu ilusi. Ia hanyalah satu sistem di mana ada banyak kerajaan dalam satu "sistem ilusi " ini, khalifah hanyalah boneka bak Shah Iran boneka US yang akhirnya digulingkan. Dan sistem pembinaan Khilafah Uthmaniah pun bukanlah islamik sangat pun. Ianya lebih bersifat kebangsaan dahulu. Apabila lama ( which is memang lama) kemudian, barulah sistem itu kembali ke arah "Islamically-inclined".

Apalagi,di zaman islam terkemudian pun,  hadis "apabila ada dua khilafah, maka bunuhlah yang keduanya" lah jadi pendokong "halal"nya membunuh ahli-ahli Keluarga Nabi yang mulia. Oh, Imam Bukhari atau Muslim  tak lahir lagi masa ini ya, jadi saya tidak rasalah umat Islam masa itu bergaduh akan sahih atau tidak sahihnya hadis ini. Shaikh Muhammad bin Ya'qub al-Kulaini dan Sheikh Muhammad Tusi pengumpul utama hadis dari mazhab Shiah pun tak lahir lagi. 

Entahlah. I do believe that muslims are in a pathetic state without khalifah, in general. But I don't really believe that the building of this ancient system will be workable anymore. How will the caliphate runs that encompasses mazhabs? In general, there are Sunnis, Shia and Ibadhi as prominent Muslim sects. History told us that such problem is settled through blooshed, war, oppression and banishment.Wow.And then,if indeed there is a caliphate, it means that now war will start again? A war of invasion for jizyah? As far as I was told, that is very likely. Even there is a bloody suggestion that slavery system should be introduced again when the caliphate system was "online" again.

Talk about being backward.

We used to have this label "Slaves of capitalism", and later if it happens "slaves of Islamism" pulak? Great. Two "devils" in the world. Err. Is it?

These are questions that ulama' should answer. What is Islam's stance on slavery abolishment? Would they adhere to global demand on it or they suddenly want to introduce  it again? And such 1 billion Muslim people to elect one post? I wonder how will that work?And how about autonomy? Since these days kononnya we want to build khilafah the Rasulullah way, so what is Caliphate stance on autonomy of its territories, vast, unique and different culture territories? And how about war?

And these days, most people are sceptical enough to distrust one person. One person controlling 1 billion people? Duh.Reminds us to Hitler. Even Obama is criticised because there is freedom of expression. But, in Islam, khalifah is to be advised privately, not publicly. Haram, because there's a hadis on that. And overthrowing of legal khalifah is haram as well,which happen to be happening all the time for these hundreds of years. More so, public criticism of khalifah can get you killed or declared infidels. And moreover, I never hear any fact that there is any powerful institution that can control the khalifah's power anyway. All of the disputes are decided by bloodshed most of the time. Even the Great Fitnah is done in the same way. O the land of Siffin, O Karbala!

I know, I know. Those who defend khalifah may use reason that a "khalifah " must be a mujtahid and good and a'lim. So no worries. Things won't be bad. Oo whatever. Mujtahid, good, a'lim, knowledgeable are so subjective. And who the one that we see have it these days?Like for example,I do respect Prof Qardhawi or Dr Wahbah Zuhaili, but to think them as a supreme leader would be very weird.

And so that's why I ain't really supportive of khalifah institution. This caliphate system is indeed fine, we can change the system a lil bit,we may use TAJDID on lots of things pertaining the system functionality but to find a candidate who will take the number one place,I'm that sceptical. I hope it doesn't turn into how election of Pope is done. In the end, it is still influenced on what nationality he is, what is his stand on religion ( conservative, tajdidi,traditionalists,secular) , and how many bishops favoured him...

I'm that sceptic. So, I believe that yes,we should work for the existence of such system,or if you don't want, do what you want that you think suits your beliefs or ideology. I don't really care . But to fill the post later on, I only have one choice, and I don't even know if he's already in the process of arriving or not, Imam Muhammad al- Mahdi Imam az-Zaman Qa'im bil-Hujjah. He's a God messenger anyway,so,by any means, I'm so ready to baiah him, and for now,only him. And that ,my dear,is so apocalyptic.

p/s: I hold deep respect for ulama' post anyway. So, I would say that this post is not a defense of Islam or anything. I'm too evil to do all that. lol.


Anonymous said...

wow..i do respect the way u think..
so knowledgable.. =)

'History told us that such problem is settled through blooshed, war, oppression and banishment'
quote from ur statement,

do u believe that history will happen again? a song..'sejarah akn berulang'

imbau sejarah islam dahulu..bagaimana khalifah dan para sahabat boleh memperluaskan kuasa sehingga ke rom, parsi, dan byk lagi..mereka berjaya biarpun berlainan agama, fikrah dan culture. mungkin boleh kaji bgaimana islam boleh meliputi 2/3 dunia.(sy pon dlm usaha belajar jg)

maybe we can say there's no such thing 'it is impossible to have khilafah system back' despite of all the problem nowadays like diff in mazhab n etc..

apa yg Rasulullah dan para sahabat buat adalah yg terbaik utk dicontohi dan masih relevan pd ms kini. bermula dgn pembinaaan individu dan seterusnya. kenapa byk masalah berlaku? krn tidak mengikut cara yg diajar oleh islam. perlaksanaan sebenar tidak dilaksanakan.

it's all start within ourselves whether to bring back d system or not.

by d way..mmg cakap lagi sng dr buat..

apa2 pon, insyaallah kita usaha yg termampu...

p/s: teruskan menulis! keep it up!mencari,belajar dan mengkaji.. =D

Anonymous said...

what i was taught in uk thru usrah etc was to aim the caliphate system. no, its more to menjalankan tugas as kalifah allah, which really means, bringing people to the right track. that's sort of the way towards caliphate system.

the caliph system is obviously not happening soon. bila jatuhnya usmaniah, leaders of islam nations ask this ulama i cant remember to elect a new caliph.

he answered, sort of like this, its too late. the foundation is broken already. maksudnya, kalifah letaknya kat atas sekali, tapi selagi asasnya, the muslims themselves, tak bagus, macam mana nak ada khalifah? he said, it's like adding up a lot of zeros, only to end up, well, with a zero too.

yeah caliphate system can exist, but its irrelevant until all muslims ARE truly islamic, regardless of the mazhab, race etc, because then they can actually think right and work together.

BUT, sceptically saying, even masa zaman khulafa' ar rashidin pun orang dah berbunuhan pasal politik. sekarang? indonesia dgn malaysia jangan harap la nak bersatu. pak arab yang gila kuasa duit tu =jgn harap la nak bersatu.