Saturday, October 10, 2009


Mereka yang ada di luar negara saya kira pasti lebih mengetahui berbanding saya yang masih di negara sendiri. Seman memberitahu bahawa ada demonstrasi anti-Islam di Manchester.

Entahlah. Saya tidaklah bersetuju dengan demonstrasi-demonstrasi ini. Tapi Islam juga perlu menjawab beberapa soalan.

1) Benarkah Islam mahu menguasai dunia? Kalau ya, bukankah wajar bagi mereka-mereka ini mempertahankan warisan dan budaya mereka daripada penjajahan Islam? Dan bukankah wajar Islam dihapuskan daripada merebak? Sepertimana negara-negara Islam merangka undang-undang menangani kemasukan budaya Barat?

2) Muslims are egoist. In that stand, they are no different from the Zionist Jews they hated. Muslim scholars can criticise the idols, criticise other people religions in their sermon, their khutbahs, calling people " jahanam" and "laknatullah", but when their prophet Muhammad was criticised, they give murder threats and burn flags etc. Whereas when these anti-Islam demonstators act this way, they quickly label them as "islamophobic" , not at all different from the "anti-Semitic" label the Jews cry to the Gentiles.

3) Considerable number of Muslims in Western world refused to integrate at all, not even a little bit. And they don't give their allegiance to the country they live in. Shouldn't they be refused to enter the countries then? Simply saying that " this is God's land" doesn't count, especially in this secular world. Kan?

4) Muslims in Western world shouted for their "freedom of practising religion", freedom of speech", "freedom of expression of faith" to protect their so-called islamic identity, but why the Muslims in the Muslim world don't allow such to be applicable in their respective countries? Won't that make Muslims hypocrites, and simply taking advantage of people's advance civilizations?

5) Muslims never empathize other religion believers. Their life revolves around themselves only, and so, they should just go to hell with it.

Don't be mad by these questions. Sometimes we need to reflect and be in another people's shoes. Kan kan? Lol.


teh bunga chrysanthemum said...

i don't get your point actually.

islam itu perfect. dan akan kekal perfect.
cuma orang islam x perfect.

ni bagus gak kalau mereflect diri ni.

by the way, hari ni memang ada demonstrasi tu. menyusahkan orang aja.

p/s: tumpang lalu yek. tak kisah kan.

wankhai said...

oh, point saya cuma "reflect" and " be in other people's shoes"?

kalau ikutkan, mengatakan Islam itu perfect sebagai hujah balas balik adalah hujah defensif semata, malah dikira egois dan tidak bertanggungjawab. Ia sama sekali tidak akan menjawab persoalan, kerana Islam dan Muslims statusnya kabur di pandangan non-believers. perfection are almost deemed impossible in the rationalist-materialist societies of Europe.

and that is not a reflection at all. we deemed Christianity as a "tarnished" religion according to the Quran, so the Christians have the right to claim that our religion is brought by a "false propheT" as indicated by the Book of Revelations in their Bible. Kan?

Anonymous said...

exactly! being free and jihad and so called stuffs kenalah pada cara yang betul. this, to me, is just being emotional. this things macam zaman racist kat US...

teh bunga chrysanthemum said...

owh, tidaklah saya mengatakan islam itu perfect kepada non-believers. i'm saying that to you. you should know la.

and to the non-believers, it's a whole lot of job to convince them that Islam is not as negative as it is portrayed.

if being in other people's shoes meaning we have to think the same way as them, kena la fikir balik, apa yang mereka tu fikir sebenarnya? i think both parties, dengan ilmu yg cetek, nak berdemonstrasi, nak mempertahankan apa yg mereka tak tahu.

tak tahu banyak,tak le cakap banyak.


wankhai said...

juju: haha. so Juju jangan terpengaruh dengan sentimen ya~~mereka pun tidak tahu apa2 sangat, dan kita juga pun malangnya masih terkial-kial dengan benda ni. soalan-soalan dan pernyataan-pernyataan yang diajukan aku tu pun in the end masih relevan dan tak terbalas kita kerana huhu, kita masih lagi di takuk defensif. seperti biasa. kita sudah terperangkap oleh sejarah.

erni: huhu. unfortunately I have to say that meski mereka berfikir secara cetek ( seperti kita saja perhaps), tak salah pun to think like them for reflection. kerana berapa kerat sangat deep people nak control shallow people. to these so-called-ignorants, being deep with them akan menyelesaikan masalah kan? I think hardly. Lol. In the end, the reflection should be directed to ourselves on why the religion of Islam is perceived so.

Kita cuma tidak mahu Muslims jadi no different from Zionists. Egoist dan elitist tak bertempat. Hoho.

fatonah:) said...

salam, i always wanted to read ur blog, but doesn't have a chance, and alhamdulillah today, i had the chance. hm, good point actually:) i mean, this is the thing that people should be thinking off, and discuss among us. hm, there's reason why Allah gave you such thinking, and I hope those will benefits us, the mankind. and, if possible, i would like to know what are the answers/ arguments to ur points. thanks.