Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I love kuaci. You know, those sunflower seeds ( and including other variation such as pumpkin and watermelon seeds). The famous ChaCheer brand, for example. It has been three months without having any kuaci at all , and I am extremely desperate.

Well, quoting Lady Bracknell ,  " a man should always have an occupation of some kind. There are far too many idle men in London as it is". Well, since I don't smoke anyway, I mostly fill my idle life by eating kuaci non stop while watching movies or anything. It's depressing you know, when you watch movies, cartoons from your laptop , you aren't doing nothing in particular except your eyes focusing on the screen. Urghhhhhhh I couldn't stand this!

This probably the effect of my intimate relationship with kuaci for so long. I've been eating kuaci almost everyday since I was in Standard Three. My food stock when I was studying in boarding schools; half of them are just the various types of kuaci!

Depressing. Depressing. Depressing.

I tried eating apple to substitute kuaci but damn, eating healthy food is more depressing, especially when you are watching South Park. It doesn't fit the situation at all! After all, nothing could beat those feelings of intoxication of eating kuaci: when you find yourself unable to stop cracking the shell of the kuaci, one after another. An ocean of sweet emotions.

Indeed! I'm not joking. Ask Juju, my ex-roommate.He would understand my extreme fascination for kuaci.

I'm a freak. I know.


Anonymous said...

peanut? salted or unsalted? cashew nuts. almonds. dried raisins, apricots or plums? chips?

shida said...

emm..kenapa ayat yang last slalu meng'spoil'kan diri anda yang sememangnya unik dan istimewa...orang2 kan punyai caranya yang tersendiri...huhuhu

wankhai said...


peanut: so-so. i prefer it salted.
i do like cashew or almond- but they are too expensive a snack?

dried raisins: nope.
apricots and plums: total no.
chips: in NZ we have this Copper Kettle..i like that- though I would say that I would go broke if I eat them everyday.


low self-esteem la kot hahahaha

Anonymous said...

hahahaha.... silap hari bulan mmg banjir bilik dgn kulit kuaci.

well, this could be your rehab for kuaci then. salted peanut definitely boleh ganti, i guess? takde kacang tanah cap bagus kat sana?

ps: i crave keropok ikan.