Thursday, May 20, 2010

Of Glee

I simply love it.
Very much. Huhu.

Though I do realised that gayness level in Glee is very much disproportionate to reality hahaha.
The director is gay.
Two male actors are gay ( as far as coming out gays are counted)
Significantly, the music numbers revolves around songs that are heavily embedded and popular in the gay community.
Lady Gaga, Madonna, Hepburn, Mama Cass are all very central to the gay culture. Madonna, the idol of the gay community for example, has an episode dedicated to her songs alone. How cool is that? Huhu.

I am not surprised with the trend, considering that Hollywood was indeed managed by many homosexuals , down from the aspiring actors, the writers, make up artists , to well established celebrities and to legends like Elton John and Ellen Degeneres.
I found this very much true then. A line in Glee, " I'm gay, and she's a black. Together we create Western (entertainment) culture".

I love Glee regardless, for the songs and for the story.
After all, if homophobes want to boycott homosexuality in Hollywood, they will miss a lot of series then. e.g Desperate Housewives, Ugly Betty, Glee, Sex and the City, Futurama ( lol).

1 comment:

Mardhiah said...

gile laa~