Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A Recollection. (Part 1)

Kita, biasalah, tak kenal orang memula. Dan sekarang juga mungkin masih tak mengenali.
Tapi , tergelak juga mengenangkan first impression dan last impression sewaktu mereka meninggalkan kita.

Sedang mengumpul sedikit data daripada rakan-rakan. Tajuk agak berat dan provokatif. Buat sekarang, data A Level Boys dah on process dan IB Boys dah siap. Tak sangka my diary and journal would be very useful . Sorry teacher, I'm too lazy to do study today.

Let us begin.

Razini: Kami memang kawan YM dari dulu. Tak rapat sangat dekat MRSM. Now, rakan gosip. Hehe. One think I realize about him now, he can be very serious and committed, and can be a truly versatile doctor.

Asif : First day jumpa dia, this guy macam sombong jer. Satu aras taknak tegur. Down. Mentang2 aku datang lambat seminggu. Now, a very good guy, very nice, even,. May you succeed going to Illinois.

Matwan: I don't really know him on first sem. Just some DOTA freak who knows only to bising je kejenya. Anyhow, his so-called secular stance can't hide his peramah attitude and very stylish fashion sense. And, so so so bloody hilarious.

S.E: A guy who loves to sleep? Sorry, but, as an outsider and visitor to Shazmin's room, you seem to be like that. Now, a bloody artistic doctor to be with dashing fashion style you think life is unfair.

Zikri: Know him since F4. Masa F4, awal tu, I mistakenly thought he's just another sheltered and spoilt kid from some rich neighborhood who happened to be dumped at Muadzam Shah. Now, he's a changing-for-the-better guy which is better than some people, unlike me. Islamically speaking, you changed much, and proud of you then, akhi.

Ammar: A scandalous guy with too sensitive a response to back massage? A funny guy right down to the bone.

Syazwan: A cute guy. I was and am a talkative person , so masa sem 1 and 2, selalu kena tegur/marah? pasal buat bising kat katil pokjak. Anti gak dia kadang2 dulu. Now, he's a guy with such unexpected excellence in manipulation of technology to forge relationships. And much more to describe.

Redza: Bekas taiping. Kawan wanzul. Now, a great guy with great minds and a man we all can't hate.

Faiz/ Blaine: Good guy. Imam material. Too good to be approached by me? That weird first perception, haha. And still a good guy, nah, better, right till the very end.

Azim: Handsome. Handsome. And still handsome. Most of the time, that smile melts people. So, beware. Don't give false hope to the fragile flowers of the garden, you know? Stick to one~and you know what I mean.

Shazmin: Bossy. Funny. And intelectual-to-be. It's very funny for me to discuss literature with him. Afraid that my weird stand will sicken him.

Khirul: Intelectual. Intelectual. And still, I see him as an intelectual person. It's hard to discuss with some topics at par with somebody. Found a good debate rival.

Aiman: Menakutkan. Unapproachable. Now, a great guy with a balanced, ideal background. Girls go run for this smart guy( your white coat for science fair was sensational to some people who've seen the pic)

Qari: You are a funny man. Funny, funny man. Nice.

Khairul: A charming guy, some say cute, but with an ego issue. Now, I think I'm wrong. Minus ego attitude. Well, to think that a guy I kinda off turnoff during first sem is the person I went out outing together for so many times this sem.........

So long. For now. Some people can beg to differ. I'm just an observer, after all.
All I know, they're good people.

Well, I'm just a pessimist, sadistic , and bossy person~wakaka.

1 comment:

r a y z i n i e said...

HAHAHA.OMG.versatile? committed? hiperbola je. XD