Monday, September 7, 2009

Stubborn Little Baby

Kehadapan adik yang masih tak mahu-mahu keluar daripada dunia kandungan itu, silakanlah keluar sekarang. Awat ketega' sangat ni? Baka Jerteh Terengganu punya pasai ka? I have lost my sense of privacy by this excessive amount of relatives at home, and gets tired doing errands. With Erin crying ,spoiled brats of little cousins that make me insane, and inquisitive aunts("mu xdok gewe lg ke along?", gee, pop out already. "Can't wait" seeing you. Duh. Let's get it done and over with . Huhu.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha same la dgn mak aku... abang takde makcwe ke?? haha...