Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Things That Are Meant To Be Told About

A very good guy pal of mine (whom I love very much,mind you) asked me recently,"why are u being so open with ur dad's polygamy,wan? You seem to tell everybody about your two mums". Hoho,well,the reason is: I want to. I think good thing like peaceful 'madus' need to be told to other people as well, rather than all these negative movies, dramas on how TERRIBLE polygamy is. Obviously my mums have problems sometimes, but I don't think THAT needed to be highlighted more than the good ones. I am not ashamed about my family and myself,maybe that's also why. There's always good n bad on everything, anyway. Huhu. GTG. Tarawih nk start. Salam

1 comment:

Faiz Nadzam said...

aku ske cara ko wankhai..good things tell people..