Thursday, March 5, 2009


I guess my ego is too high/ big. I never really like to apologise for what I did, and moreover, I always be able to find excuses for everything that I did.

I'm so damn good at giving proofs, excuses, arguments, and justifications. I should take up the law degree and be a prosecutors in court, hahaha.

This bloody guy is so kind he himself sent me an apology sms. Well , I actually don't have any idea what' with the apology anyway. What wrongdoings that he did to me? I did have some issues with him but men we are, I don't even care whether he apologises or I apologise or not because men are not supposed to be emotionally involved in the words we're saying. After all, he is so damn well intimidating me enough to the extent that I stop caring.

But the fact that an apology sms is sent to me is rather 'touching' and obviously funny. Euww. Strange man. I would never sent any apology sms to a man. Let it cool sudeyh

Still, the fact that the next couple smses sent by him are again, intimidating and stupidly bangang make me realize " don't ever trust guys and their sweet mouths, myself included. 

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