Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Batch 8, The Snakes.

Secara peribadi, I don't think it matters for us TESLians to get involved with Batch 8 Engineering Students activities. We are a completely different group, though we are A-Levels. What they want is not what we want. What matters to us, unfortunately, doesn't really matter to them.

We Teslians are bound to New Zealand, definitely.Full stop. And it's January, definitely. Full stop. We wouldn't comment anything if you all really want to fly earlier or go to UK or any other top-notch-superb countries. We are already grateful for what we got. I know you all are too, but based on your magnificent results, that is why perhaps you want to get better offer. It's up to you. As a man sows, so shall he reap, and you all got a good harvest, unlike me, individually speaking.

If you all want to fly early, please request so to your convenience. We Teslians support you all 100%. Insha-Allah.

However, though we are all The Snakes, and in the Batch 8 group, we have different aims. We fortunately doesn't need Batch 8/The Snakes to help us. Us TESL Senior Club with 13 of us would make do what we have.

We want to propose to MARA that after A2, we all will be sponsored to attend English Classes, perhaps semi-pros level or university level English classes during our 6 months break.A month is grateful enough. We are future English teachers , and what we basically do now is just ridiculous, tons of difficult maths questions, literature as if we will a degree in Literature and Sociology as if we will be allowed to take a minor in Socio, which we aren't, because our degree in TESL are so completely fixed to the core. I think none of the Engines would consider this option right?

We want KMS or MARA to sponsor us to attend any seminar about A-Levels Literature or Socio outside the college or simply invite the examiners to give us any insight about these two subjects in this beautiful college. It's too blurry now. The subjects are too subjective. Even teachers don't know what's wrong about us and our results. Perhaps if MARA is soooo concerned with our results, please invite teachers from private college or UK for example, to help us .We are drowning in confusion and start losing all hope here.

Don't worry Batch 8. We TESLians from Batch 8 would manage this things by ourselves. We hope wo are not too dependent to each other, right? Too much dependency shows weakness. And Snakes we are, we always have to be brave.


~shida~ said...


Anonymous said...

about time i guess.
x sia sia aku emo sepanjang pagi semalam.

Anonymous said...

the thing is, orang dr private colleges tanak datang. they want their colleges to excel alone. that's why it never happened. we tried.

oh well, kena terima jelah kalau dah namanya minoriti. ppl won't care much about u.

dianggap, what's good for the majority would also be good for the minority. tho at times the minority would be excluded sebenarnya.

lagipun, if 13 orang je nak make noise, xdela kecoh mane pn pejabat mara tu. huehueh.

ala manade fair. by naming the batch dragons/snakes, ada pernah terfikir mereka yang bukan dragons/snakes dalam batch itu?

yes benda kecil. but u get what i mean?

pada 'mereka', masalah kalian adalah kecil.

p/s: cuti 6 bulan sebenarnya banyak mematangkan insyaALlah. ada hikmahnya.

wankhai said...

we know about that. that's nwhy we hope MARA will do something. KMS jemput, memangla takmau. Hope something will be done.

Tu la pasal. Tu tak bape heran sangat pasal dorang nak buat apa-apa pun. Tak terasa sebahagian daripada mereka pun.

Anonymous said...

just go on,we are one family rite?