Friday, April 17, 2009

Hate The Talk But Love The Guy

I hate it when I am patronized. I don’t like to be pitied or sympathized. I don’t care if people know that I have problems, I do tell some of my problems loud and clear but to simply gaze me like I’m some Palestinian kid who the mother has just being shot to death is rather comfortable. Or treating me like I’m some minority group, like “so make sure they don’t feel neglected.”Save the sympathy to the troubled Kampucheans and starving Africans. Even sympathy in itself can’t help their problems.

But they’re friends, in a general sense. Good friends, in a way. But, good friends don’t really mean that they understand me, right? Like me, I do contribute to the part that most people, if not all, fail to understand me because I myself create my self-imposed barrier towards any sentiments reflected towards this egoistic maniac.

So, Wankhai, quit complaining as it is also partly your fault and just suffer in silence!

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