Wednesday, April 22, 2009


It seems that School of Theology New Zealand only focuses on aspects of Christianity,as said in the web, if I read it right. Well, so sad, it seems that I have to cancel my idea taking electives in Theology. Why can't a study of God consists of many, many religions? I love theology because of the fact that I can explore a lot of culture and beliefs and see the similarities that link us together. Without Judaism , there won't be Christianity. Without Christianity, there won't be Islam. ( though in actuality, all three religions are considered Islam after all before the two earlier religions started to be corrupted by some scholars= Islam's opinion).


Well, too bad. I'm jealous with Miss Muna, our Sociology teacher who says that she had fun learning theology when she studied for her degree in geography and sociology in United States. Huh.


Anonymous said...

even if theology to is across religions...............
the dean international for education school is not going to let you (i mean us.. i mean.. err) take it anyways.

u are only allowed to take up electives that "contribute to your professional development as teachers slash educators."

unlessssss u manage to find a strongggg justification lah kan~


Anonymous said...


theology tu, not to..

wankhai said...

Huhu, Dr Umi dah cakap jugak haritu. Well, i did plan to fight,just want to try, but after looking at the website of it, it's just a waste of effort.



Anonymous said...

there is a centre for islamic studies.
tp not here lah.
and the subjects are not credit subjects.
hihi. if u find time, why not :D