Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Literature. Over

Soalan Literature in English yang berbunyi:

a) ' I partly think
A Due sincerity governed his deeds
Till he did look on me.'
How 'sincere' do you find Angelo in Measure for Measure?

b ) Write a critical appreciation of the following passage, commenting in particular on its dramatic importance in the play.( Act 2 Scene 3)

Huh, A macam senang lagi, tapi aku tak hafaz sangat line yang ada kaitan dengan tu. B pulak apa kejadahnya ni? Nak tak nak kena buat B la..Aiseh.Literature in English yang menyesakkan dada. Shakespeare oh Shakespeare. Aku fikir concept of authority, disguise and treachery. Tu pun on the spot. Dan aku tak yakin samada concept ini boleh diterima. Nina's concepts I think are better. But well, it is expected to do badly in this test. Math esok~

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