Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Study Mathematics di Bilik Rekreasi

Aku memang sedar yang I'm not really good in numbers. But it doesn't mean I shouldn't care for this crucial subject for my A-Level. I like learning Maths, really, I'm serious in learning it but to answer the questions, that's the problem.Maybe if I join these Engines studying Math, I might get some kind of help.

It's typical Recreational Room aka Study Room now atmopshere. Noisy and lively as usual. Orang-orang yang sama. Dok sembang pasal peralihan kuasa tu jela. Jadi ke idak aku buta dono gitu2 aja.Antara muka-muka biasa..

I don't hope really much on Maths. At least, I pray that I know what I'm doing. A atau B not really matter to me this time. AKu cuma tak mahu menyesal masa jawab soalan ini. Tu aja.Itu sahaja. Tapi....

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