Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Thank You, Blogspot.

Perhaps it is time to have my temporary rest. It's not because of I'm bored or something. Something happens, and very much it has to do with my life now. I need to face it now, I can't evade it anymore.

Those who read Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist would definitely know what Personal Legend is. Deep inside, I acknowledge the existence of it. I know what my Personal Legend is, and strangely enough, it doesn't have anything to do with journey and self-satisfaction, it doesn't have anything to do with faraway places or deep thinking at all, it is about me and just me.

My Personal Legend is self-acceptance. Just a simple word, but truly brings me to absolute breakdown and confusion. I am searching for something and for that, I believe that I should try to detach myself from certain matters. However, I am still what I seemed to be, just a little fat, which I HOPE to tackle in Seremban later.

So my friends, perhaps this humble blog will just be a place that I would pour any of my reading excerpts or internet reviews of any matters that spark my interest. It won't malfunction, inshaAllah.

For there are times that I wonder that why I react this way and that way, and why at certain times I found solitude in cheerfulness and contentment in solitary moments, and at time the surrounding freeze and the soul gasps for meanings.

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