Saturday, December 6, 2008


Strange, a bit. If I'm not mistaken, I only starts talking (in a friendly sense) to Nazirul Faiz when we're in the third semester. Now, he's quite a friend. Not that it's a problem. Just wondering, I never realize THAT.

To be exact, I never realize that I don't really looking back at what I've done these past semesters.

Now I realize few matters.

1) I'm turning to be more addicted to books these days.
2) I make friends with more people now. Even I found those who I don't talk when we're in first year coming into my room and read my magazines. Now that's something. Is it the magazine factor?
3) I now realize that I think I'm the only one person who keeps visiting my IB friends almost everyday in their block? And I just visit my friends upstairs like 2-3 times a week, barely?
4) I'm getting more comfortable with blood pictures, but still can't stand people talking about blood . It makes my hands tremble, or my head gets dizzy.
5) I'm getting confused with my recent way of life. ( You all won't understand this, hehe).
6) I am more unable to understand people these days. Am I getting more detached by the society due to my extreme hobby of reading?
7) Just now, I realize that I was mad to Nazirul Faiz for one stupid, and ridiculous reason. He doesn't deserve this.

Guess I'm strange. Ceh.

1 comment:

~shida~ said...

err..bukanke ko memang slalu bersikap pelik?..hehehehehe..